Author: admin
“The day the fish left the sea” featured on BBC Radio Merseyside’s Popular Music Show
Spotify playlist
We have created a greatest hits playlist on Spotify.
New album release: Dinosaurs and other magnificent mesozoic monstrosities
We are happy to announce our new album “Dinosaurs and other magnificent mesozoic monstrosities” is scheduled to be released on the 02/02/2022.

It is a double album comprising of 47 tracks over two CD’s. This will be available on all the usual digital music sellers and on CD available from the band. The physical CD will come with a colour A3 poster with the album cover on one side and the lyrics on the reverse

Live performance at Treewell Farm in Bedford on 11/09/21
The shipping forecast
I’m scared of you Japanese Cheese/mushy peas
Where the flip are the hedgehogs?
Lady Penelope
Have you seen my brown shoes?
This is my hippopotamus and his name is not Gerald
The Monkey who fell from a tree
Robot girl robot boy
Octopus I love you
Good Morning you crazy bacteria
The man in the moon is the elephant man
Hairy Monsters
New radio session

We have recorded a new session for CRMK’s Garden of Earthly Delights, which will be broadcast on Friday 13th August 2021 at 22:00 GMT and then should be available on the web.
This session features 4 specially recorded new tracks taken from our next album.
The tracks featured are:
1 – The man in the moon is the elephant man
2 – Robot girl robot boy
3 – Where the fuck are the hedgehogs?
4 – How to build a time machine
New Single and video – Good morning you crazy bacteria
Still from Bacteria video

Interview on Something for the Weekend show
Paul is interviewed on the disability arts show Something for the Weekend, and then they show the video for Meteorite